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How to Use ChatGPT with Siri

siri Chatgpt

Imagine a world where Siri, your virtual assistant, has become even more intelligent and capable of engaging in fluent conversations with you. Thanks to the power of ChatGPT, an advanced language model developed by OpenAI, and a convenient Shortcut app, you can now communicate with Siri using text or voice in a remarkably natural manner. In this guide, we’ll walk you through the simple steps to set up ChatGPT with Siri, allowing you to experience seamless and interactive conversations with your virtual assistant like never before.

With ChatGPT, Siri has been transformed into a versatile conversational assistant, capable of understanding and responding to your queries in a natural and engaging manner. In this post, we’ll guide you through the process of setting up ChatGPT with Siri, enabling you to make the most of this remarkable combination.


  1. An iOS device with Siri support.
  2. The Shortcuts app installed on your iOS device.
  3. An OpenAI API key for ChatGPT. (If you don’t have one, you can sign up for an API key on the OpenAI website.)

Step 1: Install the ChatGPT Shortcut:

  1. Open the App Store on your iOS device and search for the “ChatGPT Shortcuts” app.
  2. Download and install the Shortcuts app if you haven’t already.

Step 2: Import the ChatGPT Shortcut:

  1. Visit the OpenAI Community Gallery on your iOS device by following this link: [Insert link to ChatGPT Shortcut in the OpenAI Community Gallery].
  2. Tap on the “Get Shortcut” button to download and open the ChatGPT Shortcut in the Shortcuts app.

Usage Steps (More…)

Tips for a Better Experience:

  1. Keep your queries concise and specific to help Siri understand your intentions accurately.
  2. If Siri doesn’t respond as expected, consider rephrasing your question or adding more context to your query.
  3. Experiment with different voice settings in the Shortcut app to find the voice that suits your preferences best.

How to Use and Install?

Conclusion: With the ChatGPT Shortcut app, Siri has become an intelligent and conversational companion that can respond to your queries and engage in meaningful conversations. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide, you can harness the power of ChatGPT using Siri, either through text or voice, bringing a new level of interactivity and utility to your virtual assistant. Enjoy the convenience of ChatGPT and Siri combined, and explore the possibilities of a truly intelligent and conversational Siri experience!

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